Monday, March 7, 2011

Jump Serve

For a right hander stand with the right leg forward having the weight distributed mostly on the back (left) leg. Hold the ball with the right hand straight out in front of the right shoulder. Shift weight forward on to the right leg and lower right arm with the ball to begin the toss. Make sure that the toss is high and several feet in front of you so that your approach will allow you to chase the ball. While tossing step forward with the left leg and begin taking your approach steps, which should be a large step with the right leg and a small jab step with the left allowing for lift off into the air. Be sure to make contact with the ball on the right side of the body at your peak height with the right arm fully extended. Use your core to snap your body into the hit. Upon landing enter the court and get into a ready position to receive an attack from the opposing team.
Drill: half court 2 on 2 mini game with jump serve initiation to work on serve accuracy down straight lanes of the court
This drill is effective for improving the skill of jump serving because it puts the skill into a game like situation while also controlling the player to a smaller space to teach accuracy.

Stance Phase

Shoulder Girdle
R: Elevation and upward rotation
Muscles: levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, rhomboids
Contraction: Isometric
L: Depression and downward rotation
Muscles: pectoralis minor, lower trapezius
Contraction: Isometric

Shoulder Joint
R: Flexion
Muscles: anterior deltoid, upper pectoralis major
Contraction: Isometric
L: Extension
Muscles: latissimus dorsi, teres major, lower pectoralis major, posterior deltoid
Contraction: Isometric

Elbow Joint
R: Flexion
Muscles: Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
Contraction: Isometric
L: Extension
Muscles: triceps brachii
Contraction: Isometric

Radioulnar Joint
R: Supination
Muscles: supinator, anconeus
Contraction: Isometric
L: Neutral

R and L: extension
Muscles: extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus
Contraction: Isometric

R: abduction
Muscles: abductor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis brevis, abductor digiti minimi
Contraction: Isometric
L: extension
Muscles: extensor digitorum, indicis, digiti minimi, pollicis longus and brevis
Contraction: Isometric

Preparatory Phase

Shoulder Girdle
R: depression and downward rotation
Muscles: pectoralis minor, lower trapezius
Contraction: Eccentric
L: elevation and upward rotation
Muscles: levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, rhomboids
Contraction: Concentric

Shoulder Joint
R: extension
Muscles: latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, posterior deltoid
Contraction: Concentric
L: flexion
Muscles: anterior deltoid, upper pectoralis major
Contraction: Concentric

Elbow Joint
Muscles: triceps
Contraction: Concentric
Muscles: biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
Contraction: Concentric

Radioulnar Joint
Muscles: supinator, anconeus
Contraction: Concentric
L: neutral

R and L: extension
Muscles: extensor carpi ulnaris, radialis brevis and longus
Contraction: Concentric

R: abduction
Muscles: abductor pollicis longus, brevis, and didgiti minimi
Contraction: Concentric
L: extension
Muscles:extensor digitorum, indicis, digiti minimi, pollicis longus and brevis
Contraction: Concentric

Movement Phase

Shoulder Girdle
R and L: elevation and upward rotation
Muscles (agonists): levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, rhomboids
Contraction: Concentric
R and L: depression and downward rotation
Muscles (agonists): pectoralis minor, lower trapezius
Contraction: Concentric
R and L: elevation and upward rotation
Muscles (agonists): levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, rhomboids
Contraction: Concentric
L: depression and downward rotation
Muscles (agonists): pectoralis minor, lower trapezius
Contraction: Concentric

Shoulder Joint
R and L: flexion
Muscles: anterior deltoid, upper pectoralis major
Contraction: Concentric
R and L: extension
Muscles: latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, posterior deltoid
Contraction: Concentric
R and L: flexion
Muscles: anterior deltoid, upper pectoralis major
Contraction: Concentric
Muscles: latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, posterior deltoid
Contraction: Concentric

Elbow Joint
R and L: Extension
Muscles: triceps
Contraction: Concentric
R and L: Flexion
Muscles: biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
Contraction: Concentric
R: extension
Muscles: triceps
Contraction: Concentric

Radioulnar Joint
R and L: pronation
Muscles: pronator teres, pronator quadratus
Contraction: Concentric
L: neutral

R and L: extension
Muscles: extensor carpi ulnaris, radialis brevis and longus
Contraction: Concentric
R: flexion
Muscles: flexor carpi radialis, ulnaris, palmaris longus
Contraction: Concentric

R and L: extension
Muscles: extensor digitorum, indicis, digiti minimi, pollicis longus and brevis
Contraction: Concentric

Follow Through Phase

Shoulder Girdle
R and L: depression and downward rotation
Muscles (agonists): pectoralis minor, lower trapezius
Contraction: Eccentric

Shoulder Joint
R and L: extension
Muscles: latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, posterior deltoid
Contraction: Eccentric

Elbow Joint
R: extension
Muscles: triceps
Contraction: Eccentric
L: flexion
Muscles: biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
Contraction: Eccentric

Radioulnar Joint
R: pronation
Muscles: pronator teres, pronator quadratus
Contraction: Eccentric
L: neutral

R: flexion
Muscles: flexor carpi radialis, ulnaris, palmaris longus
Contraction: Eccentric
L: extension
Muscles: extensor carpi ulnaris, radialis brevis and longus
Contraction: Eccentric

R and L: extension
Muscles: extensor digitorum, indicis, digiti minimi, pollicis longus and brevis
Contraction: Eccentric

Recovery Phase

Shoulder Girdle
R and L: elevation and upward rotation
Muscles (agonists): levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, rhomboids
Contraction: Isometric

Shoulder Joint
R and L: flexion
Muscles: anterior deltoid, upper pectoralis major
Contraction: Isometric

Elbow Joint
R and L: flexion
Muscles: biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
Contraction: Isometric

Radioulnar Joint
R and L: neutral

R and L: extension
Muscles: extensor carpi ulnaris, radialis brevis and longus
Contraction: Isometric

R and L: extension
Muscles: extensor digitorum, indicis, digiti minimi, pollicis longus and brevis
Contraction: Isometric

Spike Approach

The spike approach is very similar to the jump serve. The only real difference is in the starting position because the player does not posses the ball during the spike approach, they are reading the set and meeting the ball to make contact. For a right hander begin with weight on the front leg (right) and take three steps, left, right, left using arms to lift the body into the air and meet the ball for contact. The right arm should be fully extended and make contact with the ball above the head and slightly in front of the right shoulder. Once contact is made with the ball and the player lands on the court they should assume the defensive blocking position at the net.
Drill: Transition and approach with set set timing
The player starts at the net in ready stance as the ball is tossed over the net the player proceeds with their transition to prepare them to hit. The player must wait for the passer to make their pass to the setter and then time the ball from the release of the setters hands to the highest point of their jump. This drill is effective for teaching timing when hitting because it makes it more of a game like situation but more controlled because there isn't another team playing the ball back.